Today's installment will be an ode to scrapbook paper. If you're not down with painting, but you want something cute and crafty to hang on the walls, scrapbook paper is a great option. Why stop there though, if you like to paint and you don't know where to begin, use scrapbook paper as inspiration. Let me show you what I mean-
You can make very pretty framed or mounted wall art from scrap booking paper.
These two pictures are just a rectangle block with scrapbook paper mod-podged over top.
Wanna get a little more crazy? Try using a combination of scrap paper and paint.
This painting is simply Branches painted on a blue background with scrapbook paper glued over the buds.
Finally, here is an example of using scrapbook paper as inspiration for a painting.
Inspiring scrapbook paper
My inspiration is the scrapbook paper used in the left-had frame. |
There you go my friends. Three ways to jazz up the walls and with two of them you barley had to break a sweat!
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