Friday, November 18, 2011

Busy Season

If your wondering why I've been M.I.A. let me share with you why.

It's Christmas Show time at Glick's Greenhouse! Every year for the past 6 years I've helped my good friends at Glick's Greenhouse prepare for their annual poinsettia show. The show is a display of the beautiful poinsettias they grow there each winter season. It's free, its fun and it's a great way to kick off the Christmas season!

Here a few pictures of the work in progress...

The Theme is a Cowboy Christmas

here's the Postcard I designed inviting people out to the show;

Sales area

That's My Mom! She's my right hand lady and 95% of the landscapes you see, she painted. I love that lady!!

That's the Cowboy I painted. Those awesome mountains are courtesy of my mother!

Close up of the mountains.

The cowboy.

This room's theme centers around a cabin by a creek. There's a sleuth for gold panning and a rustic cabin. The Carpentry is thanks to my friend Andy. He's the man!!! 

Work in progress...

Gold sleuth.


More Poinsettias!!
Andy made this covered wagon. It's the brain child of my friend Michelle.

I'll have more pictures as we fill in the displays. Wait till you see what my friend Betsy does when she fills these spaces in with props!!

Anyway, I've been busy at work, planning and painting and setting up displays. Because I'm busy with that and because I have a lot of kids, blogging has taken a back seat. But after the first week in December the show will be over and I'll have a lot to blog about!

I'll still try to get meal planners out, so check back, please!!


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Please leave a comment! I love to hear from you, but please forgive me if I don't get back to you right away, It's most likely I have a child climbing up my butt.