
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Weddings and Painting the House

It's been a hectic few days! I'm getting ready for my Brother-in-Law's Wedding and there is a lot to prepare for. There's a present to finish...(shhh. I can't show you yet!)  Aden and Abby are the Ring-bearer and Flower Girl. Chris is the best man. I have to squeeze my fat rolls into a dress that I had to alter myself. Yeah, that's a funny story. Make sure you remind your five year old daughter not to rip the tag off of the dress until you make sure the dress fits the lady shelf!

Anyway, I'm totally busy! But I did get around to a couple house things that I can share with you!

Remember this monstrosity?

A vast improvement from this monstrosity...

When now she looks like this...

I don't know if you can see the color is now a beige/sand color. It makes me sooooooo happy!! My next project, or should I say Chris's next project is to paint the top as I am mental and physically unable to climb a ladder- I HATE HEIGHTS! So much so that the last time I tried to climb something higher than two floors with see-through steps, I had a panic attack and had to come down! Thanks a lot Barnegat Lighthouse!

 My next project: These shutters from the mid 1800s, complete with lead paint and iron hardware!!

Have a great one!! Oh and please stop by tomorrow for my Simply Creative Linky Party!!!

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