
Monday, June 13, 2011

Meal Planner Monday

Planning meals that roll over into another wonderful meal are a great way to save time and money! Here's how it works: You cook a meal on the first night and then use left-overs from that meal on the next night's dinner. By doing this, you're shaving large amounts of preparation time off of your nightly routine! Here are six meals that use this method of meal planning. I hope this helps you on those busy summer nights when you're on the go!

First Meal
Roll-over Meal

Complete cost of two meals: $18.67

Okay this one is a bit more shocking in the "cost of meal" department, but this meal can be stretched for one more dinner and possibly a lunch, so it's a little more digestible-no pun intended! 

First Meal

*note the cost of this meal depends greatly on the price per pound of pork tenderloins at your local grocery store. The price I have here is pretty much as high as an average 5 lb. pork tenderloin with be. If you feel you family would eat less, save yourself some money and buy the smaller cut. 
Roll-Over Meal

Complete cost of both meals: $40.64

First Meal

Roll-Over Meal

Complete cost of two meals: $19.73

Total for the week: $79.04

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this! I will substitute some things to work for what my son likes, but all in all these are great recipes!


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