
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Booty Pop- FAIL!

In a world where having extra junk in ya trunk is considered, dare I say, "Sexy," there are a lot of ladies breathing a sigh of relief! Well, I'm NOT one of them- meaning; there's no junk in my trunk! If some girls have a trunk like a Buick Riviera...

I have the equivalent of a Smart car...
Fear not, my fellow flat bottomed friends! There's hope for us after all. Introducing Booty Pop!
Please take notice of the packaging. Clearly, if your booty does not pop, it's a snore. When you put on the Booty Pop there's a party in your pants...don't you see the balloons?

My friend Betsy, who I know loves me dearly and only wants the best for my booty, saw Booty Pop at a store and thought of me immediately!

 I'm pretty much the poster girl for flat hinees everywhere, so it's no surprise that when Betsy saw this product she thought of me. After all, I come from a long line of plumbers and it true what they say about the crack!

It was a beautiful Sunday morning when I received Booty Pop from Betsy. In fact, we were at church.

 In case you don't know, right now I go to a church that meets at a house and there about 15 adults and 1,045 children. Okay maybe not that many kids, but they certainly do outnumber us quite a bit! Anyway, it's a intimate setting. I don't want people to think I put the booty pop on and paraded my rump around a mega church of 3,000!

Back to the story, I received this lovely gift from Betsy for my Birthday. Upon opening it I had to run to the bathroom to try it on. After all, I never miss an opportunity to make a complete fool of myself for a laugh!

With Booty Pop in place, I walked out of the bathroom to show off what should have been a vast improvement for my derriere. The anticipation in the room was apparent on everyone's face...will that booty pop? (I think they were excited about the balloons!)

As my eager audience...oh, this is important: the audience was mostly girls. The only guys in the room were having a conversation about sports and totally tuned out the Booty Pop stuff. 

Where was I? Ah yes, my eager audience:

They were all holding there breath and I'd like to think crossing their fingers that the booty Pop would actually work it's magic. Their bated breath released like bags of wind when I turned about for them to see my tooshie. Sadly enough, even Booty Pop could not give my hineer the extra junk it needed. It truly was a Booty Flop.

Oh well, I should just be happy with what I have!

See you tomorrow at my blog party!


  1. The before pic is definitely better. Funny!

  2. it doesn't look like a big difference to me dear. the booty pop is a waste of money and I fell a victim to it too. but then I did a come back when I found out about booty wow and ordered one right away. the reason I ordered one is because It said the magic word on the website, no padding or grandma undies. I was excited to see how this was going to work, no adding padding really? so anywho booty wow does make buttocks bigger, firmer,tighter, lifted instantly and the best thing is you are able to wear it with anything, I mean anything. that skin tight dress might just turn out to be your favorite dress now.

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